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by Ray Taylor, a Personal Fitness Trainer at Out Run Your Fork Personal Training in Westfield, NJ

So, you’re looking to get in shape, lose a few pounds, feel better, so you head to the gym.

Immediately you head to the treadmill. Why?

Because I’m sure you’ve heard somewhere along the way in your fitness journey “if you want to lose weight you got to do cardio.”

Unfortunately nothing is further from the truth.

Now, before you freak out, just know that I do believe in all types of fitness.

However, science claims something to the contrary..

Much to many peoples’ surprise, resistance training is shown to be better at weight loss and increasing resting metabolism than cardio.. hands down!

That means weights for the most part. Now most women are apprehensive to use weights for a few different reasons. I understand mainly because

there is a lot of misinformation out there but here are some amazing reasons to start resistance training today. 

  1. Improves metabolism and burns more fat

Your metabolism is like your bodies furnace constantly burning to give you energy. When we become more sedentary and as we age our metabolism slows down. T

hat’s when you start noticing a few extra pounds here and there. Clothes start to get tighter, etc.

Now while cardio does boost metabolism, it only does so for a short while, where resistance training boosts it for much, much longer. Resistance training also helps build muscle, and muscle requires fuel to function so your metabolism has to burn a lot more calories to support that muscle.

More calories burned means more fat burned, which leads to more fat lost. 

2. Gain strength and muscle without getting bulky

“I don’t lift weights cause I don’t want to get big and bulky.” This is usually one of the number one complaints I hear from women when it comes to strength training and it is just plain untrue. While men can get bigger from resistance training, women not so much.

Resistance training makes you stronger, leaner, and more toned without making you big. The reason being, women only have about 10% of the testosterone of men. Meaning all the benefits without the bulk 

3. Improves mood and reduces stress

Do you like feeling good, less anxious and stressed? I know I do. There are so many things in our modern world that cause anxiety and stress and even depression. Why not give yourself the best chance to fight all that off? Resistance training does just that. By releasing endorphins, chemicals in your brain, your mood improves, making you feel happier and less stressed.

Women who resistance train have stated that the feel more confident and capable as a result of their training. 

These are only a few of the numerous reasons why women should give resistance training a go. Start today and you’ll be happier than ever that you did

Yours in Health,

P.S. If you want to learn more about how resistance training helps you Lose Weight, Boost Energy and Increase Strength without getting bulky, then CLICK HERE » and we’ll get right back to you to see if resistance training is right for you. 

About Tony and Out Run Your Fork:

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

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The Healthiest Chocolate Desseert Young man eating pizza near refrigerator at night

The Definitive Recipe For Healthy (and Tasty) Chocolate Dessert

Healthy and Delicious Cooking with Tony Bianchino, a Personal Fitness Trainer at Out Run Your Fork Personal Training in Westfield, NJ

Chocolate is one of the most popular guilty pleasures. Many times we eat food that isn’t so yummy just so that we can lose weight and stay healthy. 

Well, I’m here to say… “NO MORE!”

I believe … scratch that… I KNOW you can eat healthy and delicious while maintaining the healthiest of lifestyles. My friend calls it “Healthy Meets Tasty!”

This chocolate dessert is no exception. 

Some of our Challengers are using this (and other ) healthy and delicious recipes to lose weight and get healthy,

As a matter of fact, Bridget is down 3.8 lbs in only one week

How? She’s just following her simple plan. 

We’re 4 days in to our challenge and it’s neck and neck… $2,000 cash prize is within their grasp! .

But, I digress, you probably want this sinfully delicious, delightfully healthy and absolutely satisfying chocolatey treat.

So,,, Here it is!

Chocolate Chia Pudding

3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
2 tbsp (24 g) chia seeds
1 serving (44 g) of Vega Performance Protein in Chocolate
2 tbsp (14 g) raw cacao powder or cocoa powder
2 packets (4 g) powdered stevia or liquid stevia drops to taste (or 1 tablespoon sweetener of choice such as maple syrup) .

Want a sustainable exercise and nutrition plan? Click here to get started on the right path..

Yours in health,
Tony, CEO, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training

P.S. Want a sustainable exercise and nutrition plan? CLICK HERE to get started on the right path. .

About Tony and Out Run Your Fork:

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

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Young man eating pizza near refrigerator at night

Three Ways To Improve Your Balance

Reaction Fitness Training and Balance Training with Ray Taylor, a Personal Fitness Trainer at Out Run Your Fork Personal Training in Westfield, NJ

A few months ago my mom had an accident. It seemed innocuous. She was walking over to the couch, when all of a sudden she tripped, and fell right on the arm rest of the couch. Unable to get her feet under her or get her arms out in time to stop the fall, she fell. She ended up suffering a pretty bad injury to her ribs from the fall as all her weight landed right on them. 

Now don’t get me wrong. We have all been there. Most people I know, and I am no exception, have taken a tumble. Yep, even personal trainers can take a fall! 

The major difference is some are able to get their hands out to decrease the impact or reestablish a firm footing, or just generally prevent the fall from happening all together.

Avoiding the Fall

Which brings me to my point. If you find yourself in a similar situation to my mom or you’ve had a few close calls where you just didn’t react as quick as you’d like, the good news is there is, just like your muscles, a way to train it.

There are ways to train your reaction time and your balance just like anything else in the gym. 

Why is this important? Well, based on the little anecdote above, it will greatly decrease your chances of injury. Now, I don’t know about you but i’m not a fan of being injured. 

When you’re injured it can sideline you anywhere from a day to months, heck maybe even years. That would hinder my ability to do things that i really enjoy like exercise or hang out with family and friends. 

An injury can even make a nightmare out of sleeping! And I hope you all know how truly important sleep is. All of that is no bueno in my book. 

Reaction Fitness Training 101 – Balance

So what is reaction and balance training? Well I like to break it down into three sections.

Balance: This one should have been obvious. Balance is “an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.” 

Gravity is a LAW and does not favor anyone. Its rules apply to you and I. but we can train our bodies to work with gravity. By training our balance we can move through any given space or range and still have the ability to stand upright instead of being taken directly to the ground. One of the ways we do this as personal trainers is by training unilaterally (one limb or side at a time. This forces our body to activate its stabilizing muscles to keep us from shifting too far to one side and falling over.

Reaction Fitness Training 102 – Reaction Time

Reaction Time: Again another obvious one. Reaction time is “the ability to respond to a stimulus.” Much like when my mom fell, she didn’t have the proper reaction time to catch herself and prevent the fall. But preventing injury is just one of the things reaction time is good for. If you’re an athlete it means your ability to respond to the snap of the football, making contact with a fastball, or propelling yourself off the starting line in a race. 

There are a number of ways to train this but my favorite (and probably the most fun) is what I like to call the color coordination drill. That’s where I put a few colors and shapes, or even words, in front of a client and call out different things such as a color or shape and they have to quickly point towards the correct one. It’s always fun and engaging and often gets a few chuckles. 

Reaction Fitness Training 103 – Proprioception

Proprioception: This one, maybe not so obvious. Proprioception is “the perception or awareness of the position and movement of the body.” Basically this is just your ability to be aware of what each part of your body is doing as you move through a given space and range of motion. 

A good example of this, or rather poor example, is people who have “two left feet.” Someone who is constantly stumbling over themselves and can’t quite seem to keep their footing, especially during an activity like dancing. Here, proprioception means the difference between looking like Fred Astaire or Elaine from Seinfeld. 

Being aware of your body’s motion not only helps with exercise and things like it, but something as simple as walking down the street and moving up stairs. The way to train this is through balance and reaction training and by developing a solid mind-muscle connection. 

This is just a glimpse into the many benefits of reaction and balance training. Sprinkle some into your training routine and I bet you’ll start noticing the positive changes in no time. 

Need Help improving your reaction time and reflexes?

Find out what it takes to work with us and we’ll help you get started and on your way to improving reaction time

Yours in health,

Ray, Head Trainer,
Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition

About Ray and Out Run Your Fork:

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

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PS, whenever you’re ready here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Talk to Us on the Phone to help get you through the holidays without the holiday weight gain. Just reply back with the words NUTRITION CHALLENGE and we’ll call you right away.
  2. Schedule your Free Session for Personal Training to help you get Stronger, Lose Weight, Boost your energy without wasting a lot of time or risking injury. Just CLICK HERE to schedule that out. 

Young man eating pizza near refrigerator at night

Stop Late Night Snacking For Good

By Tony Bianchino, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutritionists in Westfield, NJ

These are some of my favorite, easy, simple tips to help change your life and stop late night snacking for good! Whether you get super hungry at night or just can’t avoid sitting in your favorite chair and eating chips or cookies this video will help you stop those bad habits immediately and create better ones.

Here’s What’s Going On

There are 2 general reasons why you can’t stop snacking at night:

  1. Lack of food during the day: Oftentimes nighttime hunger is caused by not eating enough calories during the day or the food you ate wasn’t nourishing enough.
  2. Habit: If you find yourself following the same routine every night and that routine includes eating, then it’s called a habit.

Lack Of Food During The Day

There are many people who eat little during the day and then turn into ravaging calorie consuming beasts at night. If you’re one of those people who skip breakfast, eat a light lunch and then comes home and eats the entire house, then you’re probably not eating enough during the day. Your body is simply looking to make up the missed calories before the day is done.

Others go late night snacking because, while they are eating enough during the day, it’s not wholesome, nutrient dense food. Our bodies are still craving nourishment: the vitamins and minerals that keep us healthy. When this happens, your body kicks into overdrive and starts looking for more nourishment. The problem is we don’t look for nourishing foods when we’re super hungry. Instead we grab at the calorie dense foods and quick sugars like ice cream, potato chips and cookies. Plenty of calories, but no good nutrition there, so we are left full, but way over on our calories and still lacking in nutrition.

Hate calorie counting? You’re in luck! THere’s a very popular, free app called MyFitnessPal that will help you track calories and nutrition. Simply input your food and MyFitnessPal will do the rest.

Bad Habits

Most of us are creatures of habit. If you find yourself sitting down on the couch to watch TV at night so you can “relax” then you’ve probably created a habit. This might be the time when you find yourself snacking. The two are inexorably tied together. Not convinced? Just think of watching your favorite nighttime TV show and try not to think about eating your favorite snack while doing so… I bet they are tied together even in your memories!

Here’s How To Stop It

If you’re not getting enough nutrition, then you need an overhaul of what you’re eating. Start by adding a cup of green vegetables or even a side salad to both lunch and dinner. You can also choose to add some kind of vegetable as a snack. Just watch out for that calorie laden salad dressing or high fat dips!

Change your nighttime routine. Sit down to read a book, sit in a different chair, drink a full glass of water when the urge too snack hits you, brush your teeth… there are many ways to break the habit.

The Final Word – Sleep It Off

Lack of sleep is a BIG hinderance to weight loss and can really screw things up. If you’re not getting enough sleep, then THIS ARTICLE ON SLEEP will help shed some light on why it’s so important and how to improve your sleep.

So, whether it’s bad habits or lack of nutrition that is causing you to smack late at night, then follow these simple tips and get on your way to living your most healthy, vibrant life yet!

About Tony and Out Run Your Fork:

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

Like this article? Consider leaving a comment, liking this post or sharing with a friend. The more likes and shares we get, the more people who will get to benefit from articles just like this.

PS, whenever you’re ready here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Talk to Us on the Phone to help get you through the holidays without the holiday weight gain. Just reply back with the words NUTRITION CHALLENGE and we’ll call you right away.
  2. Schedule your Free Session for Personal Training to help you get Stronger, Lose Weight, Boost your energy without wasting a lot of time or risking injury. Just CLICK HERE to schedule that out. 

Sleep Your Way To A Smaller Belly

By Tony Bianchino, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutritionists in Westfield, NJ

It’s a little known fact that sleep deprivation can prevent weight loss. To make matters even worse it actually promotes weight gain!

How? Simply put when your body is deprived of sleep if it comes metabolically sluggish. The ability to produce insulin – A hormone responsible for taking carbohydrates (sugars) out of the bloodstream and putting it where it needs to go – is reduced. As a matter of fact, Insulin sensitivity is reduced by 30%.

If your body’s ability to produce insulin is compromised, the sugars for your bloodstream are more likely to end up being stored as fat.

To make matters worse sleep deprivation makes your brain groggy. Our ability to make decisions is compromised and our brains crave more sugar. Our feedback reward system goes out of whack and we start to seek rewards elsewhere. That’s partially why you get hungry at night.

You’re also awake more hours of the day. There are more opportunities to eat and you will get hungry or throughout those long hours. When we’re tired we tend to make poor choices and eat larger portions. Hence one piece of cake turns into two!

Even worse your body‘s production of cortisol also increases. Cortisol is the hormone partially responsible for hanging onto body fat.

If your cortisol levels go up it’ll be very difficult to lose weight.

As a matter of fact “Researchers found that when dieters cut back on sleep over a 14-day period, the amount of weight they lost from fat dropped by 55%, even though their calories stayed equal. They felt hungrier and less satisfied after meals, and their energy was zapped.” (WebMD)

So what can you do? Get more sleep! Here’s how:

  • Find some downtime at night without electronics (including tv).
  • Make sure to turn off the lights. Your brain knows to go to sleep when it’s dark.
  • Read a book (use a soft night light only) or meditate
  • Watch what you eat! Be mindful of making better choices during the day.

For these tips and more or for help with nutritional programming, weight loss or fitness Drop us a note or connect with us on Request More Information On How You Can Work WIth Us. Our strength lies in helping other people living happier, healthier lives!

Yours in Health,

Tony Bianchino, MBA, CPT, CNS

About Tony and Out Run Your Fork:

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

Like this article? Consider leaving a comment, liking this post or sharing with a friend. The more likes and shares we get, the more people who will get to benefit from articles just like this.

PS, whenever you’re ready here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Talk to Us on the Phone to see how we can help or Request Information On what it takes to work with us.
  2. Schedule your Free Session for Personal Training to help you get Stronger, Lose Weight, Boost your energy without wasting a lot of time or risking injury. Just CLICK HERE to schedule that out. 

The Night My Husband Didn’t Come Home

By Melissa Bianchino, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutritionists in Westfield, NJ

After having emergency surgery and staying in the hospital for almost a week my husband finally came home. I was scared. Between taking care of the kids and now caring for my hubby I lost track of taking care of myself. Over the next few months I was getting sluggish and tired. I was stressed. My muscles started to ache all the time. I couldn’t sleep. I was gaining weight.

Going to the gym was the last thing on my mind. I felt like I didn’t have time to go. My husband was immobile, in a neck brace and partially paralyzed. What would happen if I left and he needed me? I was so overwhelmed that I couldn’t even think of going. I felt guilty and selfish for even thinking about the gym.

But my husband kept telling me to go to the gym. “Get a good workout and let some of that stress out,” he’d say to me. “Eat good. Your body needs nourishment. You’ll feel better.”

I resisted. My guilt wouldn’t let me go more than a few times, but those few times I did go I felt better. I started to remember that I always felt better after a workout. So I started to go more. And I started to eat better. And I started to feel better. Pretty soon I was going almost everyday.

And an amazing thing happened. I started to feel more in control. I was happier. I had fewer muscle aches. I had more energy. I was starting to feel like me again!

After only four months I was back into the swing of things. I had made a commitment to take better care of myself and I feel so much better.

It’s now three years later and I’ve maintained a healthy lifestyle. I don’t know where I’d be if I didn’t get back to it right away.

I’ve seen so many people fall into a hole and then wake up one day to realize they had let themselves fall so far down. I didn’t want that to happen to me.

I watched my husband fight his way back. I watched him go to work everyday, in neck brace, to help others take back their lives and build them back to a healthy, vibrant state… even when he himself was struggling.

He never showed his own struggle. He smiled and joked with everyone while he wrestled his own demons along his journey to recovery.

My husband has been helping people get their lives back in order for years and I can honestly say that I couldn’t have done it without his encouragement and ability to build a workout schedule that fit my new, super busy reality.

How many of you have something in your life that is preventing you from taking care of yourself? If you want to feel better, have more energy and regain control of your life, then maybe it’s a good time to give him a call. I’m so lucky to have him and now I’d like to share him with all of you.

About Melissa and Out Run Your Fork:

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

Like this article? Consider leaving a comment, liking this post or sharing with a friend. The more likes and shares we get, the more people who will get to benefit from articles just like this.

PS, whenever you’re ready here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Talk to Us on the Phone to help get you through the holidays without the holiday weight gain. Just reply back with the words NUTRITION CHALLENGE and we’ll call you right away.
  2. Schedule your Free Session for Personal Training to help you get Stronger, Lose Weight, Boost your energy without wasting a lot of time or risking injury. Just CLICK HERE to schedule that out. 

You Wouldn’t Believe What My Husband Did In The ER (Part 2)

By Melissa Bianchino, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutritionists in Westfield, NJ

In my last article I started to tell you all about my husband’s experience in the ER as he was readying for spinal fusion surgery.

He suffered an acute injury (not from the gym) to his spinal cord at C4 – C7 which paralyzed his left side. He had just been admitted to the hospital and was getting ready for surgery when I arrived at his room. What I found was like something out of a Hollywood blockbuster starring Ryan Reynolds in some crazy body-swap comedy.

My husband was standing, half naked in the hallway, clutching his IV pole with tubes and wires hanging all over him, yelling because it was over 100 degrees in his hospital room and there was “no f*&kin way (he) could stay here!”

(I checked the thermostat… it really was over 100 degrees)!

There were so many events leading up to this that were just as crazy… it was a citrus in there.

It took them 6 hours to get it down to a reasonable 75 degrees at which point my husband finally got into bed and, exhausted, was ready to go to sleep.

I looked at the nurse and said, “Do not kill my husband.”

She assured me everything would be ok and my husband told me to go home and get some rest.

So, I did.

I went home and tried to go to sleep, but I was worried. It was the first night since we’ve been together in which he didn’t come home.

And then my life got a whole lot more difficult…

About Melissa and Out Run Your Fork:

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

Like this article? Consider leaving a comment, liking this post or sharing with a friend. The more likes and shares we get, the more people who will get to benefit from articles just like this.

PS, whenever you’re ready here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Talk to Us on the Phone to help get you through the holidays without the holiday weight gain. Just reply back with the words NUTRITION CHALLENGE and we’ll call you right away.
  2. Schedule your Free Session for Personal Training to help you get Stronger, Lose Weight, Boost your energy without wasting a lot of time or risking injury. Just CLICK HERE to schedule that out. 

You Wouldn’t Believe What My Husband Did In The ER

By Melissa Bianchino, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutritionists in Westfield, NJ

It was still dark out as I lay in my bed slipping between sleep and wake. The warm blankets comforted me and I smiled (or did I?). It was 4:15 am. I only knew the time because that’s when my husband always left for work in the morning. I didn’t even know what day it was. But, that all faded when I half heard the front door closing quietly as I drifted away again…

Later that morning I felt my phone vibrate while standing at the stove making breakfast for the kids. I tapped an egg on the countertop and, with a snap, it split open. The beautiful clear liquid and bright yellow sunshine slid into the frying pan making a gurgling sounds as it began to cook.

Sliding my phone from my pocket I saw it was a text from my husband.

“Hey, my arm really hurts and I can’t move it. I’m going to get an appointment with the dr.” He wrote. It was almost 10:30 am

“What? What do you mean?” is the response I sent.

“I’ll call you when I’m done,” he responded.

I tried calling him, but he didn’t answer.

So … I had to wait.

I wasn’t all that worried because he didn’t seem particularly worried.

So, my day went on. I tested him a couple of times if he was on his way to the doctor, but he didn’t answer. He never answered his phone when he was working… unless it was a 911 emergency. I was used to this.

He called me just after 1:30 pm.

“Hey,” came his voice.

“What’s going on with your arm?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” he said. I could hear pain in his voice, “it’s friggin killing me and I can’t move it. he doctor went home so I’m going to the ER.”

“Do you want me to come with you?” I asked, knowing full well that he would refuse.

“No, I’m good. Let me just see what’s going on,” came the response.

“Ok, be careful. Call me as soon as you know something and let me know how you’re doing,” I said.

“K, love you.”

“Love you.”

We talked a couple of times as he lay in a gurney in the middle of the ER hallway. He was making friends with the other patients and was cracking jokes when I called him the second time.

“Hold on, hold on,” he said when he answered the phone. He continued with his story to his partner in hallway purgatory, “so then the bartender looked up and said ‘You two really know how to tie one on!'” Laughter roared through the phone.

He was telling jokes! It was just like him. I rolled my eyes.

“So, any news?” I broke in when the laughter dies down.

“No, it’s going to be a while. Not sure how long. But I’m good. I’m making friends.” he said.

“Ok, call me when you hear something. Love you.” He responded likewise and we ended the call.

It was just shortly after 8 pm when I heard the phone ring again. It was Tony.

“Hey,” I answered the phone.

“You’re not going to f*&king believe this! I just go the MRI results. My spinal cord is being crushed and that’s why my arm is paralyzed. ‘Weakness’ he called it. The surgeon said he wanted to admit me right now. I said ‘F*&ck that.'” his Brooklyn was starting to come out. ” I don’t know anything about this f*&kin surgery. I don’t even know this f*&kin doctor. It’s the first time I f*&kin met him. He said he wanted to admit me and do emergency surgery? F*&k this! …”

He went on bombing me with the F’s and all these other insightful descriptives. I swear this man has elevated swearing into an art form.

“F*ck this, I’m coming home!” he finished.

“Oh, no,” I started, “You are not coming home. You let them admit you and do all their tests. In the meantime you have time to do your research, get second and third opinions. Then, if you decide you don’t want to do the surgery, then you can come home.”

My husband is very, very smart. But he can make some very rash decisions.

Not this time. This time he listened to me.

This time I drove to the hospital to make sure the staff took really good care of him.

This time I walked in to the hospital and couldn’t believe what I saw.

My husband was standing, half naked in the hallway, clutching his IV pole with tubes and wires hanging all over him, yelling because it was over 100 degrees in his hospital room and there was “no f*&kin way” he could stay here

(I checked the thermostat… it really was over 100 degrees)!

You wouldn’t believe what happened next…

Tune in next week to read the rest of this story… and it just keeps getting better!

About Melissa and Out Run Your Fork:

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

Like this article? Consider leaving a comment, liking this post or sharing with a friend. The more likes and shares we get, the more people who will get to benefit from articles just like this.

PS, whenever you’re ready here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Talk to Us on the Phone to help get you through the holidays without the holiday weight gain. Just reply back with the words NUTRITION CHALLENGE and we’ll call you right away.
  2. Schedule your Free Session for Personal Training to help you get Stronger, Lose Weight, Boost your energy without wasting a lot of time or risking injury. Just CLICK HERE to schedule that out. 

fasting personal trainer nutritionist westfield, nj

What I Learned From Fasting

By Tony Bianchino, Founder, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutritionists in Westfield, NJ

Fasting has a lot of benefits if done correctly. However, there are some warnings that I’ll pass along from my own experience with fasting.

Weight Loss

There’s no secret here. If you fast you’ll lose weight. If you fast long-term fast (ie: starve yourself), then you’ll lose even more.

Too much fasting, or starving, will cause a severe deficiency in essential nutrients necessary for proper organ function, including your brain. If kept up for too long you’ll eventually die (duh)!

While fasting can help promote weight loss there’s also the risk of killing your metabolism so that when you do start to eat again, your body will hold on to everything you give it and store it away in fat reserves.

Why does this happen? simply put, your body is a survival mechanism. It will do everything it can in order to keep you alive. This includes preventing you from starving to death.

In order to prevent starvation, your body will reduce the amount of calories it burns each day in order to preserve itself. It does this by getting rid of excess baggage.

Goodbye Muscle Tone

Muscle is an example of excess baggage. Muscle is very biologically active and requires more calories to function than any other part of your body (except your brain).

Since muscle is more of a luxury than your vital organs such as your liver and kidneys, your body will look to use your muscle as fuel to help keep you alive and also reduce the amount of calories you burn each day.

This phenomenon is evident in that person you know who looks fairly skinny, but they’re all mushy. Their bodies lack muscle tone because they have starved themselves enough times that they no longer have any.

Intestinal Health – The Big One

Here’s where I screwed up. I did a combination of 24 hour fasts, 36 hour fasts and intermittent fasting.

I wanted to experiment with different types of fasting to see what the result of each one were. Unfortunately, I went ahead and tried each approach randomly and to excess. Many times I did a true fast and excluded water during the fasting phase.

Well, I succeeded at giving my digestive tract a break and clearing out some intestinal toxins that had built up, but I also succeeded in starving out all of the good bacteria in my gut.

The result: Bad Things.

First thing I noticed was that, for the first time in my life, my historically greasy T-Zone (nose and forehead area) were clear of grease and blackheads. As a matter of fact the area was downright normal!

My initial inclination was that I had changed my guy biome in a favorable way, which was probably true considering my increased energy, better sleep and better bowel movements.

I went on with random fasting styles for about a month.

I was pretty happy with the way things were developing…


I Got The Itch For Something New

My face started to itch.

And I mean ITCH!

I wanted to scratch my eyes out, my ears off and my face apart. It felt like 10 million tiny worms squirming below my skin.

At first I thought my face was dry, which, of course, it was. But not so dry that it was flaky or scaly. Just normal.

So I lathered my face with lotion. Special lotion the pharmacist recommended.

It didn’t help.

I took Benadryl. No help, either,

Cortisone cream. Nope.

Changed my detergent, pillow case and facial cleanser. Nothing.

This went on for four weeks and I was going bonkers!

And Then It Struck Me

By the fifth week I decided to go with my initial inclination about a change in gut health. But this time I feared it had swung too far the other way.

So I loaded up on certain vitamins, minerals and a TON of probiotics.

The first two days my bowels were NOT happy. But the itching slowed down a lot.

Day three my gut settled down and I continued to load up on probiotics, good food and supplements.

By day 7 the itch was all but gone.

What happened?

Throughout the entire experiment I shared my progress with two of my clients both of whom are scientists specializing in intestinal health,

On day two of the probiotic restore I shared that the itch was subsiding and his answer was “Maybe you just starved out all the good stuff?”


Maybe indeed!

I couldn’t believe I had done something so stupid.

I know this stuff.

Anyone outside of me could have looked and asked, “What the hell are you doing? You can’t predict the outcome of that. Of course you screwed the whole thing up!”

Well, live and learn.

Ironically, I’ve learned most of what I know from making mistakes. Needless to say I’ve learned a lot.

But, at least I’ve learned. And I don’t make the same mistake twice.

I don;’t know that I’ll ever experiment with fasting again (you could imagine I’m a little gun-shy).

But I might allow someone else to take the lessons I’ve learned and carry it forward.

Tony Bianchino, owner, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition near me in Westfield, NJ

Yours In Health,
Tony, Owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training 
Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition
web: www.outrunyourfork.com

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

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PS, whenever you’re ready here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Talk to Us on the Phone to help get you through the holidays without the holiday weight gain. Just reply back with the words NUTRITION CHALLENGE and we’ll call you right away.
  2. Schedule your Free Session for Personal Training to help you get Stronger, Lose Weight, Boost your energy without wasting a lot of time or risking injury. Just CLICK HERE to schedule that out. 

15 Foods You Should Eat If You’re Over 40

By Tony Bianchino, Founder, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutritionists in Westfield, NJ

The 15 foods EVERYONE over 40 should be eating! Why did these foods top the list? As we get older, our body works VERY differently!! It sucks!! BUT we can help ourselves out with a few tricks! 

Hitting the Metabolic Wall

When we’re younger our bodies can handle some of the negative lifestyle choices we make a lot better than when we are older. There’s lots of reasons why this is true, but suffice to say it’s simply the aging process. In addition, once we enter our 40’s our metabolisms hit the wall. Blame it on hormones, declining muscle mass, or all the years of neglecting our health. No matter the cause, we must all accept that our bodies now respond much differently than they have in the past.

Here’s the skinny on healthy diets

As we age it becomes even more critical to properly nourish our bodies. That means eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean meats and yogurts. Unless you have a food allergy or are avoiding food groups for personal reasons, then look to eat a balance of everything. Here are 17 “Health Foods” you’ll want to avoid.

On to the List: 15 foods you should be eating & why! 

  1. Almonds: This one tops the list of 15 foods you should be eating. The popular nut help your body lower cholesterol. High cholesterol is very common in middle aged men and women. Add almonds to yogurt, or grab a few and pop ’em in your mouth :).
  2. Eggs: Eggs contain all 9 essential amino acids which makes them a complete protein. We recommend mixing 1 while egg w a few whites to give you a power protein packed meal. 
  3. Blueberries: Blueberries are jam packed with antioxidants! Blueberries are one of the most nutrient based berries. They are also very low in calories. So eat up!!!  What Are The Best Nuts For Fat Loss? Pistachios!

    Here are the best workouts for Women Over 40
  4. Garlic: Garlic can help lower your blood pressure as well as help you maintain a healthy cholesterol level. Studies suggest garlic can even lower the your risk of dementia! This is a good 15 foods for anyone of any age.
  5. Avocado: Avocados are loaded with good fats. These good fats help keep your body fueled for your workouts, meetings & keeping up w your kids (or pets).  Studies suggest avocados can help prevent osteoporosis and even prevent certain cancers. 
  6. Spinach: Spinach is so low in calories but jam packed with vitamins and minerals. Spinach has lots of fiber which promotes healthy digestion and contains calcium to support your bone 26 heather drive, edison, nj 08820.
  7. Eggplant: Eggplant is high in flavonoids, flavonoids improve overall health. The skin of the eggplant contains antioxidants that may reduce your risk of developing cognitive disorders as well as help improve your memory. Antioxidants help blood flow more efficiently to your brain which helps with overall health especially cognitive health.
  8. Cinnamon: cinnamon has been shown to help your body reduce blood sugar naturally. As we age we are a greater risk for developing diabetes. If you’re concerned or at risk for developing diabetes consider adding cinnamon to your coffee, oatmeal, smoothies today. Out of the 15 foods, this one has been noted to help manage your insulin. Remember: As We Age Our Bodies Forget How to Use Insulin and as a Result We Store More Body Fat. Increase Your Insulin Response by doing Resistance Training!
  9. Watermelon: watermelon consist primarily of water 🙂 it is also packed with mini vitamins and nutrients that you need such as vitamin B6, C, a as well as lots of antioxidants. Watermelon also contains lycopene, this is found in red fruits and helps you maintain good bone health and heart health.
  10. Quinoa: is a complete protein so it’s an excellent substitute for vegetarians or people who are trying to cut back on animal proteins. Quinoa is usually referred to as a grain but it is wheat free. It is an excellent source of calcium, fiber and magnesium. So we can add quinoa to our List of foods that help keep our bones happy. How healthy bones can boost your metabolism
  11. Broccoli: Broccoli is rich with vitamin K which helps boost your immune system as well as lots of vitamin C, potassium and fiber. Potassium is needed to keep our hearts healthy.  Subscribe To Our Blog For the Latest Healthy Tips and Recipes  
  12. Beets: Beets contain lots of vitamins and minerals that have been shown to boost weight loss due to its fiber content which greatly improves digestion. Studies suggest beats may also help lower blood pressure.
  13. Olive oil: Olive oil contains plenty of good fats. A measly tablespoon has enough good fats to keep your heart healthy. The healthy fats found in olive oil help lower your bad cholesterol levels which reduce the risk of heart disease. Just be sure to use in moderation since it is high in calories.
  14. Cauliflower: Cauliflower is very high in fiber. Fiber maintains a healthy regular digestive system which is very important as we get older. Cauliflower is also very low in calories. It contains vitamins and minerals such as vitamin K which helps you maintain strong bones throughout adulthood it also helps improve your circulation and memory. 
  15. Black pepper: Black pepper is a spice that stimulates digestion and helps you break food down more easily, this can help promote weight loss. Study suggests black pepper stimulates your brain which is good for cognitive function they also say it may reduce wrinkles! So try sprinkling a little bit on your food before eating.

So try incorporating these 15 foods during the week. And remember 40 is the new 20….. right?!? 

🙂 Tony

If you’re ready to work with a Personal Trainer or Nutritionist to get your life back on track, then click here to see how you can improve your life without all that baloney.

Tony Bianchino, owner, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition near me in Westfield, NJ

Yours In Health,
Tony, Owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training 
Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition
web: www.outrunyourfork.com

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

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PS, whenever you’re ready here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Talk to Us on the Phone to help get you through the holidays without the holiday weight gain. Just reply back with the words NUTRITION CHALLENGE and we’ll call you right away.
  2. Schedule your Free Session for Personal Training to help you get Stronger, Lose Weight, Boost your energy without wasting a lot of time or risking injury. Just CLICK HERE to schedule that out.