by Ray Taylor, a Personal Fitness Trainer at Out Run Your Fork Personal Training in Westfield, NJ

So, you’re looking to get in shape, lose a few pounds, feel better, so you head to the gym.

Immediately you head to the treadmill. Why?

Because I’m sure you’ve heard somewhere along the way in your fitness journey “if you want to lose weight you got to do cardio.”

Unfortunately nothing is further from the truth.

Now, before you freak out, just know that I do believe in all types of fitness.

However, science claims something to the contrary..

Much to many peoples’ surprise, resistance training is shown to be better at weight loss and increasing resting metabolism than cardio.. hands down!

That means weights for the most part. Now most women are apprehensive to use weights for a few different reasons. I understand mainly because

there is a lot of misinformation out there but here are some amazing reasons to start resistance training today. 

  1. Improves metabolism and burns more fat

Your metabolism is like your bodies furnace constantly burning to give you energy. When we become more sedentary and as we age our metabolism slows down. T

hat’s when you start noticing a few extra pounds here and there. Clothes start to get tighter, etc.

Now while cardio does boost metabolism, it only does so for a short while, where resistance training boosts it for much, much longer. Resistance training also helps build muscle, and muscle requires fuel to function so your metabolism has to burn a lot more calories to support that muscle.

More calories burned means more fat burned, which leads to more fat lost. 

2. Gain strength and muscle without getting bulky

“I don’t lift weights cause I don’t want to get big and bulky.” This is usually one of the number one complaints I hear from women when it comes to strength training and it is just plain untrue. While men can get bigger from resistance training, women not so much.

Resistance training makes you stronger, leaner, and more toned without making you big. The reason being, women only have about 10% of the testosterone of men. Meaning all the benefits without the bulk 

3. Improves mood and reduces stress

Do you like feeling good, less anxious and stressed? I know I do. There are so many things in our modern world that cause anxiety and stress and even depression. Why not give yourself the best chance to fight all that off? Resistance training does just that. By releasing endorphins, chemicals in your brain, your mood improves, making you feel happier and less stressed.

Women who resistance train have stated that the feel more confident and capable as a result of their training. 

These are only a few of the numerous reasons why women should give resistance training a go. Start today and you’ll be happier than ever that you did

Yours in Health,

P.S. If you want to learn more about how resistance training helps you Lose Weight, Boost Energy and Increase Strength without getting bulky, then CLICK HERE » and we’ll get right back to you to see if resistance training is right for you. 

About Tony and Out Run Your Fork:

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

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