Tag Archives: diabetes

Healthy For The Holidays: This is the Answer

By Tony Bianchino, Founder, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutritionists in Westfield, NJ

f you didn’t read my email on Sunday, then you really missed a doozy.

It’s the most personal, intimate email I’ve shared.

It’s actually the most personal thing I’ve ever shared anywhere. 

If you haven’t read it, then maybe you should.

It’ll give you some insight as to why I praise this one trait: Resilience

Your ticket to resilience lies here.

Resilience makes everything else possible.

It’s like wax on a car. The water beads up and slides off effortlessly. The car doesn’t have to work at it. Neither does the wax. It just is.

But, it didn’t just happen.

It took effort to apply the wax. Many, many circles applied with good pressure to get the wax on. Patience as the wax cured. And many, many circles to take the wax off.

It took a lot of effort to get the car protected from the rain so the paint stays like new regardless of what environment it is in.

It takes time, and caring effort to keep a car running well… purring like a kitten while the engine idles. The oil gets changed regularly. New brakes, new tires and tune ups are part of the maintenance.

Oftentimes the process is repeated. 

That’s a lot like all of us. Isn’t it?

We need to put in the work to protect our bodies. To make them resistant to disease. Running optimally so we feel our best. 

It takes effort to make our bodies resilient. 

We need to eat good, exercise and get our sleep.

Without these things our bodies begin to break down. 

If want to buck the trend and feel resilient this holiday season, then we just might be the “mechanics” who can help keep your engine purring like a kitten.

This is the last day for our Black Friday/Cyber Monday deal. 

It’s an incredible deal that I won’t ever offer again. Tha’s not sales speak, either. I promise this is the one and only time.

If you want to be resilient and feel the best you’ve felt in years, then join us on our Black Friday/Cyber Monday deal. 

Yours in Health,


PS: Here are three more ways to work with us

Tony Bianchino, owner, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition near me in Westfield, NJ

Yours In Health,
Tony, Owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training 
Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition
web: www.outrunyourfork.com

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

Like this article? Consider leaving a comment, liking this post or sharing with a friend. The more likes and shares we get, the more people who will get to benefit from articles just like this.

PS, whenever you’re ready here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Get on our Black Friday Special going on till Monday. Get 3 personal training sessions, one 30 minute massage, Nutrition Consult and much more. CLICK HERE for the details.
  2. Talk to Us on the Phone to help get you through the holidays without the holiday weight gain. Just reply back with the words NUTRITION CHALLENGE and we’ll call you right away.
  3. Schedule your Free Session for Personal Training to help you get Stronger, Lose Weight, Boost your energy without wasting a lot of time or risking injury. Just CLICK HERE to schedule that out. 

Are You A Victim Of Self-Sabotage?

By: Nora Gallagher

There are several different types of self sabotage that people can sometimes run into after making some initial progress. At Out Run Your Fork Personal Training we provide solutions to so many stables for so many different types of people.

Becoming aware of these acts of sabotage can help prevent you from falling into your own trap. Also, as we approach the holiday season, it is particularly important to address this issue since these tendencies have a way of really taking over this time of year. In this article I’ve identified four of the most common ways people subconsciously get in the way of their own path to success. 


Your inner voice and personal mindset carry more weight than you probably realize. When you bring up history and old thought patterns, it can be self fulfilling. For example, when you say “Ugh, here I go again…” or “I failed in the past at this, I won’t be able to do it now” you are giving yourself permission to fail again. 

If you recognize yourself doing this, try switching your mindset to stay focused on the present and leaving the past in the past. Remind yourself that progress is not always going to be linear and that having good days AND bad days (or bad moments) IS NORMAL. When you choose to focus on the positive choices you have made you are shifting your mindset. Having the ability to self correct and continue to move forward is the ultimate goal but reminding yourself how you have failed in the past will not allow you to do this. 


It is VERY common to use food as a way to reward ourselves, even when people begin to lose weight, despite it being counterintuitive, it is very common to use food as a reward. 

Rewarding yourself with food can be tricky to navigate, as everyone deserves a treat from time to time, but watch yourself when you say / think the phrase “I deserve…” because sometimes this can lead to sabotage. If, for example, you just accomplished a goal and want to celebrate, think ahead about what that treat will look like. The first question you ask yourself should be, can this reward be something other than food? If the answer is absolutely not, try to choose a food/drink you have control over. For example, if you know you have a weakness for cookies and you truly cannot eat just one, choose something else so you do not end up eating an entire box of cookies. When you are aware of what your “trigger foods” are, or foods that you typically binge on, it helps to plan ahead. When you have a plan in place, you can enjoy your treat without feeling guilty because you over indulged. 

Another example of food being used as a reward is when we use it during our transition or break times. Sometimes it is easy to fall into a pattern where you are grabbing a snack in between certain activities throughout the day. For example, if you worked on a project for two hours and need a break, it’s common to reward yourself with a snack, when in reality all you really needed was some fresh air and a stretch. A morning workout with a personal trainer could be just what the doctor ordered. It’s important to remain mindful of your choices and not simply pop a snack in your mouth simply out of routine.

Perfectionist sabotage

Perfectionist sabotage is allowing one small mistake to ruin your whole day. For example, if you were to eat a piece of Halloween candy and then say to yourself “well, today is ruined now, might as well eat whatever I want and get back on track tomorrow”. The very important thing to keep in mind here is that one piece of Halloween candy is not sabotage, the following 10 are. What you need to be able to tell yourself is to stop, regroup and instead of focusing on the candy you just ate, focus on the meal or snack right after the candy and you will be ahead of the game. 

Jeckyll and Hyde

Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hide eating. Which, as the name suggests, implies two completely different eating habits during either the day and night or the week and weekend. 

Day / Night: Often people fall into the trap of trying to be “good” during the day but at night have an uncontrollable hunger. If you can relate, the important question to ask yourself is – Am I really being good during the day? Just because you may not be grazing or snacking during the day does not always imply you have “good” eating habits. In fact, it can mean the opposite. Most of the time when people are finding it hard to control themselves at night it means their body has not gotten enough nutrients during the day and their body is looking for MORE. A great solution for this problem is to make sure you eat a well rounded breakfast that includes some protein. Afterwards, either in your head or on paper, map out the rest of your day with WHAT you will be eating and WHEN. This will put you more in control of ensuring you are getting the nutrients you need and by planning WHEN you eat you will prevent your blood sugar from dropping and your cravings to take over your decision making. 

There is a huge emotional component to eating as it provides COMFORT. As the day goes on and you get more tired, decisions become harder. Not many people complain of being bingey at breakfast time. So having a plan in place eliminates the need for your brain to have to make a decision when its tired and craving comfort. You have already made that decision for yourself earlier in the day. 

Weekend eating: It’s natural to eat differently on weekends / holidays. There is no reason you need to eat the exact same way all week. If you have a treat or some indulgence planned for the weekend that is fantastic. The problem is when guilt arrives or when you go too far.  A good way to stay ahead of yourself is to pre-think your weekend and choose what you will allow yourself to indulge in and what you will not. For example, if you know you will be at a party where there will be wine and cake and tons of treats, choose which one you will indulge in and provide parameters. When you leave the party focus on the control you had in sticking to your choice. When things don’t feel impulsive and out of control there is less guilt. But always remind yourself that a little indulgence on the weekends is not only normal, but encouraged!

In conclusion, it is in our nature to be attracted to things that make us immediately feel good and it’s a lot harder to constantly think long term, how is this choice going to affect me once the initial dopamine rush wears off. What you can do to put yourself more in control of your choices is to try and recognize your patterns, allow yourself to have a treat and allow yourself to NOT be perfect. If you make the majority of your choices based on what can ultimately lead you in a better direction you will be less frustrated and more at ease. Perhaps a silver lining of what may be a very unprecedented holiday season for some, is that this year may allow you to disrupt habits that have been created in the past. As long as you remain in control of your choices you will always be ahead of the game.

If you or someone you know is ready to make a change to get healthier, then click here to set up a time to talk to one of our personal trainers or nutritionists.  
The results of an unhealthy lifestyle aren’t usually seen… but that can be changed before it’s too late. Let my daughter be their wake up call.

Tony Bianchino, owner, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition near me in Westfield, NJ

Yours In Health,
Tony, Owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training 
Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition
web: www.outrunyourfork.com

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

Like this article? Consider leaving a comment, liking this post or sharing with a friend. The more likes and shares we get, the more people who will get to benefit from articles just like this.

PS, whenever you’re ready here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Talk to us on the phone.
  2. Book a free consultation. Click Here to SET UP Your FREE No-Obligation Personal Training Session or Nutritional Counseling Session

5 Tips To Avoid Emotional Eating

By: Nora Gallagher

As a Mom of triplet boys I am all too familiar with the conditions of “chronic stress” and “adrenal fatigue” but these past eight months have taken the symptoms of these conditions to a whole new level. 

Now, add on the stress of trying to navigate the upcoming holiday season, and I sometimes feel like my head might explode! If any of you can relate, you may also be able to relate to constantly finding your hand in a bag of Oreos or rifling through the freezer to find the ice cream! But don’t worry, you’re not alone…

When a person perceives a situation as stressful their brain releases adrenaline hormones, including cortisol. Our subconscious then begins to work overtime trying to sort out the ongoing wave of stressful emotions such as fear, grief, loneliness, uncertainty, etc. In an attempt to reduce the stress, our minds are looking for foods, primarily those which contain a lot of sugar, that can give us a spike of dopamine and temporarily remove us from these feelings. Cue the ice cream! 

So with that said, what can we do to get this under control?? 

Be Aware and Make a Plan! 

Studies have shown that people tend to find security in a solid plan and routine. Take note of the snacks you are “binging” on and when and try to instead plan for a healthy snack during those times. Put that snack front and center in your fridge and create a schedule for your day and an intention – make it a routine and stick to the plan.


Everyone knows that working out can help keep your weight down but did you also know

that people who exercise regularly sleep better at night, have sharper memories and feel

more relaxed and positive about themselves and their lives? Even modest amounts of

exercise can make a real difference and have a strong impact on depression and

anxiety. That’s because when you exercise, your brain releases several neurotransmitters including endorphins, serotonin and dopamine all of which play a crucial role in regulating your mood and the positive choices you make throughout your day! 

 Prioritize your sleep! 

When life is busy, often the first thing we sacrifice is sleep. Sleep or rather inadequate sleep quickly throws our bodies off balance and as a result throws off your blood sugar. When our blood sugar is off, our body craves…sugar!! The benefits of adequate sleep will not only increase your glucose metabolism but it will also calm your hunger hormones, allowing you to feel satisfied with an appropriate calorie intake. 

Incorporate healthy fats

Adding healthy fats to your diet, such as omega-3 and omega-6 may help reduce your appetite. Foods rich in these omega’s help your brain produce leptin, a hormone known to reduce appetite by suppressing the area of the brain that controls our appetite. Without adequate healthy fats in your diet, you’re more likely to have low leptin levels, which can induce overeating and an inability to feel satiated. Check out the Best Nut For Weight Loss

Supplement with Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a crucial role with several of our cognitive and bodily functions. It is most commonly known for its ability to help bones absorb calcium, but recent studies have also linked vitamin D to a variety of other benefits. With COVID-19 cases on the rise, many people are turning to Vitamin D supplements to boost their overall immune function as it is linked to anti-viral properties and may protect against respiratory illnesses. It is also known to aid in mood regulation which can help ward off depression and anxiety. If those reasons weren’t enough, it has also been linked to weight loss when partnered with calcium due to an appetite suppressing effect. 

Ideally it would be great to get your daily vitamin D intake from the sun and natural food sources, but unfortunately there aren’t that many foods that are rich in Vitamin D, with the exception of salmon, eggs and mackerel. Also, now that we are entering the winter our exposure to sunlight is also dwindling so it’s important to find a high quality Vitamin D3 supplement to add to your daily routine. 

When chronic stress and/or adrenal fatigue is left untreated, it can evoke diseases of inflammation including: blood sugar dysregulation, cardiovascular disease, depression and anxiety, immunosuppression, fatigue and impaired cognition and infertility so it is important to try and manage your daily stress as best as you can. At the end of the day though, emotional eating comes from a place of imbalance and I think it’s safe to say we are all two steps away from going over the edge. So just remember to be kind to yourself and do the best you can for this crazy time being.! 

If you or someone you know is ready to make a change to get healthier, then click here to set up a time to talk to one of our personal trainers or nutritionists.  
The results of an unhealthy lifestyle aren’t usually seen… but that can be changed before it’s too late. Let my daughter be their wake up call.

Tony Bianchino, owner, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition near me in Westfield, NJ

Yours In Health,
Tony, Owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training 
Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition
web: www.outrunyourfork.com

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

Like this article? Consider leaving a comment, liking this post or sharing with a friend. The more likes and shares we get, the more people who will get to benefit from articles just like this.

PS, whenever you’re ready here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Talk to us on the phone.
  2. Book a free consultation. Click Here to SET UP Your FREE No-Obligation Personal Training Session or Nutritional Counseling Session

I Did Something Really Bad

by Tony Bianchino, owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition in Westfield, NJ

I’m an idiot.

If you don’t know already, I’m like that happy dog who runs around wagging my tail and running from person to person panting because I’m so excited to have people around me.

I’m also like a 6 year old smart-ass kid who tells stupid jokes.

Well, last week I told a joke that really hurt someone’s feelings. 

I didn’t think anything of it. 

When this person told me about it I realized how totally stupid it was. 

They expressed their surprise and their hurt when I said what I said. Jesting or not, it was just dumb.

This person is very kind and generous and part of our extended family. And because they are so kind and generous they did something that was really hard for them to do… they had the courage to tell me how they felt.

I was shocked at my own idiocy. And embarrassed. 

I asked them to forgive me in the most earnest way. 

What I din’t know was that, in their heart, they had already forgiven me. They just needed to clear the air.

I tell you I am very very fortunate to have such wonderful people around me. People who can forgive me even when my mouth engages before my brain.

But, I guess that’s because I forgive easily as well.I don’t harbor resentment.

Grudges are toxic. Harboring a resentment is like drinking poison yourself and hoping the other person will be poisoned instead.

A healthy mind needs to be free of resentment, hurt and fear.

Forgiveness is not a gift you give another person. Because, quite honestly, sometimes people don’t deserve to be forgiven.

But, forgiveness isn’t a gift you give someone else.

Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.

Don’t confuse forgiveness with permission. Forgiving someone does not say it’s ok for the other person to do what they did. Nor does it is give them permission to do it again.

Forgiveness allows you to be free from the resentments that eat away at your own heart.

Who in your life do you need to forgive?

A joyful heart is part of a healthy, vibrant life.

Exercise and proper eating free the body.

Forgiveness frees the heart.

I want to thank my most wonderful friend for forgiving me … even if it wasn’t a gift for me. 🙂

Yours in Health,


If you or someone you know is ready to make a change to get healthier, then click here to set up a time to talk to one of our personal trainers or nutritionists.  
The results of an unhealthy lifestyle aren’t usually seen… but that can be changed before it’s too late. Let my daughter be their wake up call.

Tony Bianchino, owner, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition near me in Westfield, NJ

Yours In Health,
Tony, Owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training 
Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition
web: www.outrunyourfork.com

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

Like this article? Consider leaving a comment, liking this post or sharing with a friend. The more likes and shares we get, the more people who will get to benefit from articles just like this.

PS, whenever you’re ready here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Talk to us on the phone.
  2. Book a free consultation. Click Here to SET UP Your FREE No-Obligation Personal Training Session or Nutritional Counseling Session

What’s Stopping You From Joy?

by Tony Bianchino, owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition in Westfield, NJ

You know, I get up at 4:30 in the morning every morning… and before you say something smart, I’m NOT a morning person. But .

I get up every morning knowing that I LOVE doing what I do.

I get to teach our staff to do what I do…. share happiness with all of you.

At the end of the day it’s not about losing weight or getting stronger.

It’s not about lowering blood pressure or changing eating habits

 It’s about feeling joyful! 

The Two Questions

Ask yourself these two questions:
𝗔𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲? .
𝗔𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗷𝗼𝘆?

What is joy to you?
• Playing with your grandchildren and laughing together at all the silly things that grandchildren do
• Playing golf and not taking the cart
• Chasing the kids without getting winded
• Being an able caregiver to someone you love because you are now strong enough to lift them
• Sleeping better at night knowing you won’t be informed like your parents.

Now take a moment.

Stop reading this email.

Seriously, Stop right now and write down the top five things that bring you joy.

Not happiness. 

But Pure Joy!

Now go ahead and write them down. 5 things that bring you JOY!  I’ll wait.

Welcome back!

𝗡𝗼𝘄, 𝗮𝘀𝗸 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳… 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁’𝘀 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗽𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂? .

Many times it’s lack of time or lack of resources. Sometimes it’s lack of capability or proximity.

These are the same excuses people give for not taking care of their health.

“The gym’s too far.”
“I’m tired”
“I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep up with everyone else.”
“I’ll look like an idiot”
“I don’t think I can do it”

And the list goes on.

Sound familiar?

We’ve all said these things about different tasks in our lives. 

What are your reasons for wanting to get healthy and strong? .

What’s stopping you?

Write down all the ways you can overcome those obstacles.

Then do it!

If you need help, I’m here.

If you or someone you know is ready to make a change to get healthier, then click here to set up a time to talk to one of our personal trainers or nutritionists.  
The results of an unhealthy lifestyle aren’t usually seen… but that can be changed before it’s too late. Let my daughter be their wake up call.

Tony Bianchino, owner, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition near me in Westfield, NJ

Yours In Health,
Tony, Owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training 
Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition
web: www.outrunyourfork.com

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

Like this article? Consider leaving a comment, liking this post or sharing with a friend. The more likes and shares we get, the more people who will get to benefit from articles just like this.

PS, whenever you’re ready here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Talk to us on the phone.
  2. Book a free consultation. Click Here to SET UP Your FREE No-Obligation Personal Training Session or Nutritional Counseling Session

She was sneaking chocolate…

by Tony Bianchino, owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition in Westfield, NJ

I don’t know if you know this, but my daughter has autism. She’s also bi-polar. And diabetic.

She shouldn’t be sneaking food. Especially with parents who own a personal trainer studio in Westfield, NJ.

She should be exercising.
She should be eating healthy.

But, she’s addicted to junk food (don’t think artificial sweeteners are going to help you, either)

A few years ago she was ushered to the Emergency Room because her blood pressure was 199/130. I was scared. She was hooked up to all these wires and the nurses were in and out of her room almost every 5 minutes.

They tried cocktails, injections, pills, and pricked and prodded her over and over again until my heart just broke… and then they did some more. 

They just kept scurrying in and out in all directions like ants that had their nest stomped on.

Yet, they couldn’t get her blood pressure down. We found out that her body was in distress because her pancreas just decided it couldn’t withstand her abusive eating and incredible weight gain.

How did this happen?

She was obese. The more she ate the more she wanted to eat. She was always hungry. She was caught in a vicious cycle:

Eating junk food filled her belly, but the lack of nutrients kept her body looking for the vitamins and minerals that she really needed. 

So she ate more junk food. And her body kept looking for the nutrition it needed. The nutrition it craved!

She ate more. And more. And more. She gained pound after pound over and over again until she was obese. And she kept going…

She would sneak food at home. Some healthy, some not healthy. At school her teachers used food as a reward. It was always junk food. She would cajole anyone she met into giving her snacks.

We locked up food, but she found a way to get it. She would eat fruit like there was no tomorrow. Short of tying her down we didn’t know how to stop her. We couldn’t hang over her 24/7.

None of us realized that she was a ticking time bomb.

But that day we nearly lost her. She was in the ICU for 5 days before they stabilized both her blood sugar and blood pressure.

Over the next 16 months my daughter decided to eat healthy and exercise. Her that time she lost a bunch of weight, got her blood sugar under control and got herself off insulin shots. 

I’ll share how we got her healthy and off insulin another time, but the heartbreaking story is that there are so many people just like Kira.

Don’t get me wrong, not all of them have a problem eating too much, but maybe they’re dealing with another life-threatening problem that’s lurking just under the surface.

Maybe they’re not eating well.
Maybe they’re not getting any exercise.
Maybe they’re dangerously stressed out

Maybe you know someone who just wants to
feel better
lose weight
walk up stairs without being out of breath
or just live a healthy life

If you or someone you know is ready to make a change to get healthier, then click here to set up a time to talk to one of our personal trainers or nutritionists.  
The results of an unhealthy lifestyle aren’t usually seen… but that can be changed before it’s too late. Let my daughter be their wake up call.

Tony Bianchino, owner, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition near me in Westfield, NJ

Yours In Health,
Tony, Owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training 
Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition
web: www.outrunyourfork.com

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

Like this article? Consider leaving a comment, liking this post or sharing with a friend. The more likes and shares we get, the more people who will get to benefit from articles just like this.

PS, whenever you’re ready here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Talk to us on the phone.
  2. Book a free consultation. Click Here to SET UP Your FREE No-Obligation Personal Training Session or Nutritional Counseling Session

The Undisputed BEST Time of Day To Exercise Is…

by Tony Bianchino, owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition in Westfield, NJ

The other day my friend Mary asked me, “Tony, you’re a personal trainer: What’s the best time of day to exercise?”

Now, those of you who have been following me know one thing about me: I ALWAYS answer a question with a question of my own. I like to know the reason behind the question.

“Why do you ask?”

Mary shrugged and said, “Because I want to trim up a bit and feel better about myself, but I’m working out at night.” (Check out these tips for Living a Longer Life)

Marty,” I smiled, “you’ve simply been exercising at the worst possible time. Could you switch to mornings?”

He answered in the affirmative.

“Perfect!” I punctuated, leaning back and opening my arms, “You’re about to see your results soar!”

Morning Workouts Burn More Fat

His results are going to soar just from exercising in the morning? Yep. Here’s why:

Being a personal trainer for over 30 years teaches you a lot of things. There’s a lot of science to the human body, but there is also a lot of practical, real world experience that you gain over the years..

I’ve learned that although some of us have slightly different times of the day when we feel more energetic, many times this can change with proper diet and exercise.

Mornings set the tone for the day and help rev your metabolism to burn body fat all day long. Why?

All things being equal, if we took all of our personal training clients who say they want to “Lose weight” the majority of them had faster, long lasting results when they exercised in the morning.

Why? Are people who work out in the morning more motivated? Are they typical go-getters? Do they have something night owls do not?


They burn more body fat initially and continue to keep the weight off because their get a kick start as soon as they wake up in the morning and they burn more calories sooner after waking.

Think about it. If you exercise in the morning you’re giving your metabolism a real kick in the pants right away and you have the rest of the entire day to burn calories before going to bed.

You’ve just fasted all night and your body gets into fat burning mode much faster and deeper than it would after eating a few meals.

Plus, you’ll eat more food after your workout (remember you have the whole day ahead of you) to boost your long-term metabolism even more. You’ll also have more time in the day to burn those calories.

Evening Workouts Are Better For Strength

Evenings, in contrast, are better for building strength. You will also reduce your chances of injury by exercising later in the day. This one makes perfect sense.: your muscles are much more pliable and there is more blood flow to your tendons and ligaments after a full day of moving about.

Why are evenings better for strength?

Simple: all day long you’re moving, you’re eating, you’re drinking water (you ARE drinking water, aren’t you) and you’re flushing toxins.

All the carbohydrates you’re eating are building the fuel stores in your muscles. They’re filling your liver with reserve fuel and they’re feeding your brain to work more effectively.

Also, You’re not coming off an 8 hour fast. you’ve built up those energy reserves.

Better Flexibility and Mobility To Avoid Injury

Evenings. There, I said it. You’ll have fewer injuries if you workout in the evenings.

You’ve been moving around all day. There has been plenty of blood flowing through your body, flushing out toxins, taking your body through various ranges of motion and keeping your body temperature up.

Your muscles are more pliable and your joints have greater range of motion. Want better mobility? Here are some great ways to increase mobility and flexibility.

So When Is The Best Time To Workout For you?

But what it comes down to it, when is the best time to work out for you? It’s the time that you could be the most consistent with your workouts so that you don’t miss your workouts and you were able to keep going forward and get the results.

If you need some help getting started or have some questions you’d like to ask a personal trainer, then give us a call or shoot us a message. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have.

If you’re already saying “I’ve been looking for a place like this!”, then give us a call or leave us a comment below or visit our website to see how we can help you.

Tony Bianchino, owner, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition near me in Westfield, NJ

Yours In Health,
Tony, Owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training 
Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition
web: www.outrunyourfork.com

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

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PS, whenever you’re ready here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Talk to us on the phone.
  2. Book a free consultation. Click Here to SET UP Your FREE No-Obligation Personal Training Session or Nutritional Counseling Session

The ONLY Way to Prevent Stalled Weight Loss

by Tony Bianchino, owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition in Westfield, NJ

So how do you break through a plateau? How many times have you dieted or did something while you went to lose weight and you lost weight?

You did great for a while: you lost weight, gotten stronger, increased energy… but then, you plateaued. And no matter what you did, you couldn’t seem to lose more weight.

Maybe you dove in deeper and went more extreme and lost a little more weight. But at some point it became unsustainable and you were stuck. Nothing worked.

And then, finally, when you had enough, you went on a bender and gained the weight back… and that weight brought along some of its fiends along with it.

Lose Weight Now, Lose Weight For Good

So, let’s rewind and show you how it is supposed to go

You gotta start easy. You gotta start simple.

We tell all of our personal training and nutritionist clients to take a three day inventory of everything you’re eating and drinking. Then, look for the low hanging fruit.

Are you eating processed foods? Cut down or eliminate it. Sugar? Knock that one off. Need more protein? Add a couple of high protein snacks.

Looking for sugar alternatives? See how artificial sweeteners actually make you fatter.

Slow and Steady Wins the Weight Loss Race

Make only one small change and maximize the results that you get from that one small change.

Think about it. It makes perfect sense. If you throw everything you have at it right away, you’ll lose weight, but then you’ll eventually get stuck. And then what? What are you going to do after that? What else do you have to give it? Nothing.

But, if you make one small change and maximize the results, you have a lot more changes that you could do if and when you hit that inevitable plateau.

So that’s One.

Two: If you only change one or two or three small things, guess what? It’s sustainable!

That’s why our personal training and nutrition clients are so successful: Sustainable results!

That’s how they are able to lose the weight and keep it off for life.

It’s a sustainable model. You’ve done it in an easy way and it’s a way to keep you motivated. How many times you lose motivation, keep you motivated because you keep moving towards your goal. It keeps you going forward.

If you need help or you’re looking for some help breaking through a plateau or want to know how to avoid frustrating plateaus, then give us a call or leave us a comment below or visit our website to see how we can help you.

Tony Bianchino, owner, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition near me in Westfield, NJ

Yours In Health,
Tony, Owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training 
Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition
web: www.outrunyourfork.com

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

Like this article? Consider leaving a comment, liking this post or sharing with a friend. The more likes and shares we get, the more people who will get to benefit from articles just like this.

PS, whenever you’re ready here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Talk to us on the phone.
  2. Book a free consultation. Click Here to SET UP Your FREE No-Obligation Personal Training Session or Nutritional Counseling Session

How To Break Through Plateaus Each And Every Time

by Tony Bianchino, owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition in Westfield, NJ

Have you ever gone all in on a diet and gotten great results, but then stalled and couldn’t seem to budge the scale afterwards?

Or maybe you got 100% committed to a workout routine and did really great until you either burned out or life just took a turn and derailed you for a few days… and this days turned into weeks… or months… and you ended up saying, “What the hell happened?”

Well, just know that you’re not alone. Every September millions of people set out to undo the damage of all the summertime fun: day time BBQ’s, late night drinks and all-to-needed- vacations full of food, drink and lazy relaxation.

Suddenly, life gets thrown back to a scheduled routine complete with the crazy commute, kids’ fall activities and reset from the total lack of structure during the summer.

The “Fall Into Fitness” Trap

Ultimately, we need to wrap some structure around our health, too. Otherwise we’ll have no way of undoing the fun of the past three months.

So, what do we do?

We latch on the newest diet or grab one that’s worked for us in the past, start riding our Peloton or working with a personal trainer. and we get to work!

But, here’s where it starts to fall apart: Right from Day One!

That’s right, DAY ONE!

“C’mon, Tony,” you quaff, “how can I be doomed right from Day One?”

“Because you went into it doing too much!” I’d reply.

Too much?

Yep, too much.

Here’s why it’s too much…

How many of us have gone all in on a diet and exercise program, gotten great results, and then stalled when we hit a plateau?

Think back to the last time (or the last 10 times) you’ve done this.

How did you get past the plateau?

Maybe you worked out harder or cut your calories lower. Maybe you dropped carbs and fruit from your diet or spent more time on the treadmill.

Maybe you lost a little more weight, but not as much as before and certainly not as fast.

So, what did you do next? Maybe you worked out even harder and dieted a little more and gotten a tiny bit more results.

At some point your progress stalls completely and nothing you do changes that. As a matter of fact, most people quit and rebound after hitting this point of no return and it happens just in time for the holidays!

Cue The Halloween Candy and Thanksgiving Turkey

The thought of the holidays coming up gets us into a festive mode and the thought of dieting or exercising is replaced by holiday prep and warm apple pie.

BUT… what if it didn’t have to be that way?

What if you were able to get great results right out of the gate without extreme dieting or working out like a madman every day?

What if you started off easy and got maximum results with minimal effort?

Then, when your progress slowed, what if you were able to burst past that initial plateau with ease?

What if it were all true?

Are you holding your breath?

Well, relax and breathe because it’s all true!

It’s not a new diet pill or crazy diet. It’s not a new type of workout or some money making scheme.

It’s simply using your body’s natural patterns to get maximum results and create success.

There’s a lot of biology behind this and I’ll cover this in my next article, but, suffice it to say, that your body can get maximum results with minimal effort.

Here’s why: Our bodies are made to adapt to the constant changes of our environment. Back in the day we would sometimes go a few days without water. Maybe longer without food. Our bodies had to cope with these conditions in order to survive and they had to do so quickly!

If not, we’d die.

Let’s apply that to our diet and exercise routine. If we were to cut calories too fast or start exercising every day for 90- minutes each day, our bodies would have to adapt to those harsh new conditions.

We would experience an internal process of holding on to water, storing calories as fat (instead of burning it) and increasing cortisone (causing lack of sleep, fat storage, and burnout) in order to protect us from harm

Wow! That’s the exact opposite of what we are trying to do!

So, what do we do instead?

I can tell you the process our personal trainers and nutritionists follow here at Out Run Your Fork Personal Training in Westfield, NJ…

The Three Stages To Your Success

We sit and talk with you.


We sit and talk with you.

First, we find out where you are now and where you want to go. Better known as goal setting.

Next, we find out what you’ve done in the past, what’s worked, what hasn’t worked, how you felt during the process and where it got you. We call this the discovery phase.

During the Discovery Phase we also talk about any injuries you may have had, aches and pains you have currently and any medical conditions you may have. We do this in order to ensure we are complying with your doctor’s recommendations and to be sure that we are helping you, not hurting you.

We also ask about your schedule and what roles/responsibilities you have in life. We do this so we can help understand your availability and capability to engage in a program without adding any more stress to your life… God knows that you probably have enough stress and you certainly don’t need any more!

Finally, after finding out all o the things that make up your life and make you who are at this particular point in your life, we put all the facts together and custom craft your program which is specifically designed to get you from Point A (where you are right now) to Point B (where you find happiness).

Interesting that I said “where you find happiness.” isn’t it?

I say that because I’ve seen people go from Point A to Point B while sacrificing so much joy in the process that they are still not satisfied with the results… even though they got exactly what they were shooting for.

Our job is to get you from Point A to Point B while enjoying the process and having full joy at the end of the journey.

As a matter of fact, the journey can be so joyful that you just might stick around long after you reached your initial goal.

That’s how we do it here at Out Run Your Fork Personal Training.

Break Through Any Plateau Every Time

If you need some help getting from Point A to Point B and you want to enjoy the process without throwing everything plus the kitchen sink at it, then click here to get set up on a call with one of our coaches.

Just mention this article and I’ll speak with you personally to help you set up a game plan on how you can get the results that you want in order for you to live a more healthy, joyful life.

There’s no obligation and I’ll give you a real, actionable game plan that is concise and created specifically for you.

If you’re tired of doing the same thing and getting the same frustrating results, then reach out to us today and see how small changes can have maximum results so that you can break through any sticking point and never get stuck on a plateau ever again!

How About You?

If you’re suffering with the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle and are ready to do something about it, then you might want to find out about our Get it Together in September, program to help you get through the next major phase of your life.

You can get more information on how to get started with us and chat with me one on one to see how we can get your life back on track..

Yours In Health,
Tony, Owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training 
Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition
web: www.outrunyourfork.com

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

Like this article? Consider leaving a comment, liking this post or sharing with a friend. The more likes and shares we get, the more people who will get to benefit from articles just like this.

PS, whenever you’re ready here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Talk to us on the phone.
  2. Book a free consultation. Click Here to SET UP Your FREE No-Obligation Personal Training Session or Nutritional Counseling Session

Tony Bianchino, owner, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition near me in Westfield, NJ

I Can’t Believe I got Away With This

by Tony Bianchino, owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition in Westfield, NJ

My daughter is an interesting young lady, to say the least.

  • She’s 19 years old
  • She’s bipolar
  • And she has Autism

She doesn’t really process things the same way you or I do. Actually, that’s an understatement.

She sees things you and I can never see. She hears the unbearable and dreams the undreamable.

Life is an adventure to be explored and everything is a task to be conquered. Life is magic.

Every once in a while I’m able to sit still and just listen to her as she tells me her story.

Letting the world melt away I hear only her voice as she brings scene after delightful scene of her future life; where she will live, who she will live with, where she’ll work and how she’ll navigate her own chosen path.

She weaves her words into a wondrous tapestry of psychedelic proportions where colors swirl, birds sing and people always smile.

Every Light Has It’s Darkness

But, life always must always be in balance.And Kira is no exception.

There is also a darkness inside her.

At times she can’t express her feelings and the frustration wells up inside her, crescendoing higher and higher until, finally she erupts releasing all of her emotions like a venomous geyser relentlessly spraying every nook and cranny with poison.

Nothing or no one could stop her.

These rageful fits of abuse rush forth in a torrent of piercing words that cut through even the toughest skin and wear down the most seasoned person.

As a parent it’s so extremely painful to see your own child turn on you with such malignant hate. But, sometimes you just have to weather the storm.

Now, Here’s Where It Get’s Interesting

One day, after 19 years of these on again and off again fits and regrets I saw Kira sitting on the floor, with her eyes closed and legs crossed, practicing yoga..

I noticed that within only a few days she seemed to handle things a little bit better. She was a little bit calmer and her fuse seemed a little bit longer.

It was on the third day of her new morning Yoga habit that I was working on a project and Kira was interrupting me over and over again with a barrage of questions one right after the other.

And I acted as any responsible, distracted parent: I got annoyed.

The first few times I was patient, but by the umpteenth time I got a little short with her… more than once.

And I cringed, bracing for the inevitable upward spiral of emotions she was sure to start.

But, then, something different happened… she didn’t start spiral.

She didn’t get mad.

I was baffled.I couldn’t believe I had gotten away with that.

Later on I had to say something to her. I told her that I was very happy and proud of her for acting so mature by not getting upset when I got a little curt with her.

She explained how she felt, but also forgave me.


Who the heck was this new girl and how did this happen so fast?

Over the next week there were several other happenings that would have normally sent her over the edge, but this time … they just didn’t.

I was starting to see a trend.

When I asked her about it she said, “Daddy, whenever I get upset I just put my fingers together and say my words like this…” as she showed me her yoga chant.

I. Was. Floored!

I always talk about the healing properties of health and wellness, but never before had I seen such a remarkable turnaround in so short oof a time.

Now, people have told me MANY times about how their energy has shot up after only a couple of days. I’ve heard about how they sleep better, they’re less bloated, they have less pain… only in a matter of days.

But, this?! THIS???

I’ve never seen anything like this.

Stay tuned for the next update on Kira’s health and wellness journey. I really believe this is the beginning of the next major phase of Kira’s life!

How About You?

If you’re suffering with the effects of an unhealthy lifestyle and are ready to do something about it, then you might want to find out about our Get it Together in September, program to help you get through the next major phase of your life.

You can get more information on how to get started with us and chat with me one on one to see how we can get your life back on track..

Yours In Health,
Tony, Owner Out Run Your Fork Personal Training 
Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition
web: www.outrunyourfork.com

As a personal trainer and nutritionist near me in Westfield, NJ, we create better health for people over 40 who are looking to lose weight, build strength, increase energy without sacrificing time or risking injury.

Like this article? Consider leaving a comment, liking this post or sharing with a friend. The more likes and shares we get, the more people who will get to benefit from articles just like this.

PS, whenever you’re ready here are two ways to work with us:

  1. Talk to us on the phone.
  2. Book a free consultation. Click Here to SET UP Your FREE No-Obligation Personal Training Session or Nutritional Counseling Session

Tony Bianchino, owner, Out Run Your Fork Personal Training and Nutrition near me in Westfield, NJ